Saturday 3 March 2012


4th March -2nd Sunday of Lent -
8.30am –Said Holy Communion
10.00am –Service of the Word

11th March– 3rd Sunday of Lent-
10.00am Parish Eucharist with Holy Baptism

18th March 4th Sunday of Lent with Flowers for Mothering Sunday
10.00am Service of the Word led by Mrs. Margaret King

25th March –5th Sunday of Lent -Passiontide begins
10.00am Parish Eucharist –Reverend Hilary

1st April –Palm Sunday

8.30amSaid Holy Communion –Reverend Hilary
10.00am Parish Eucharist – Reverend Hilary


Thank you to everyone who supported the curry and quiz night
held in February in the Pheasant Inn. 15
teams took part and over £230 was raised for church funds. Special thanks go to
Jason for his hospitality and to Steve for being the quiz master.

Lent lunches will take place on Fridays in the Oxnam Room
starting on Friday, 24 February from 12 noon-1.00pm. The dates are: 24 February, 2 March, 9 March,
16 March, 23 March and 30 March. Lunch
costs just £3.00 for soup with a bread roll followed by a pudding, together
with tea or coffee. As a new idea this year we are also offering a small
takeaway service if you would like a second helping of something to take home
with you for a donation of at least 50p. The box for the Food Bank will also be
in the Oxnam Room on Fridays in Lent for donations of groceries to give to
those in poverty in the local community who cannot feed themselves or their

Our Lent course this year will be on Wednesday evenings at
7.00pm in the Methodist Church. It is a ‘York Course’ called ‘Handing on the Torch’
and will focus on discipleship in our modern world. This is an ecumenical
course and all are very welcome.

It is marvellous to know that the church will soon have
photovoltaic cells to generate electricity. Our church has two pitched roofs so
the cells can be installed between the two where they cannot be seen. Our
beautiful mediaeval church will soon have its own ‘invisible’ 21st
century technology in place.

Midweek Services, Meetings and

6th /13th /20th / Tuesday 9.30pm Holy Communion in the Lady
Chapel followed by Coffee Morning in the Oxnam Room

27th March –9.30am Morning Prayers in the Lady Chapel

7th/14th /21st/28th Lent Group continues 7.00pm in St. Newlyn East
Methodist Chapel

For your Diary
Parochial Church Meeting Wednesday 25th April 7.00pm in the Oxnam

For all queries please contact the Church Warden David Scott 01637
In case you do not know St. Newlyna has its own ‘blog’ Access the latest
news and photo archive

For your Prayers

Please keep in your prayers all in our community who are in any kind of need and
particularly the friends and families of those who have died and whose
anniversaries during MARCH

1st Gerald Hocking, Arthur Hanley
3rd Jessica Smith
4th Harry Harding
6th Mela Broom, Elsie May
Richards, Myrtle Bennetts
7th Jennie Brown
8th Henry Trethewey,
Marjorie Davison
10th Leslie Moses
11th Ann Elizabeth Tree, Kathleen Dennis
14th Joan Mappin
15th Louisa Trethewey, Maud Bray, Laura Cross, Rosemary Fellows
17th Thomas Eastlake, Mabel Roberts
20th Nicola Johns
22nd Margaret Marks
24th Delphia Williams,
Dennis Banbary
25th Gordon Williams, Dorothy Rorks
29th Ellen Sutton, Gary Naylor
30th Joel Veal Rowe, Florence Bone
31st Kathleen Murison, Vera Cooper