Saturday 28 January 2012

February Notices


5th February -3rd Sunday before Lent-
8.30am –Said Holy Communion
10.00am –Service of the Word

12th February - 2nd Sunday before Lent-
10.00am Parish Eucharist

19th February – Sunday before Lent -
10.00am Service of the Word

Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes

26th February –First Sunday of Lent -
10.00am Parish Eucharist

4th March -2nd Sunday of Lent - 8.30am Said Holy Communion
10.00am –Service of the Word

Midweek Services, Meetings and Events

7th /21st /28th / Tuesday 9.30pm Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel followed by Coffee Morning in the Oxnam Room

14th February – Morning Prayers in the Lady Chapel

9th February 7.00pm Deanery Synod at St. Michaels Newquay
This meeting invites all PCC members and interested members of the congregation to view a display by the Parishes of the Deanery showing different ideas of Mission Action Planning. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and discuss ideas for working as a Deanery and to identify needs to enable Mission Action Planning together.

On Saturday, 11 February there is a curry and quiz night in the Pheasant Inn. Food is served from 6.30pm and the quiz starts at about 8.30pm, so please book your meal as soon as possible as places fill up very fast; alternatively, you can bring your team along just for the quiz. There will also be a raffle.

18th Wedding 11.30am –Verity Burch and Rob Simmonds


The next Messy Church is on Sunday, 26 February at 2.45pm in the Methodist Church so please watch out for posters and booking forms in the village . Messy Church is something completely different with fun (and messy!) activities for all ages. We have one each term so please fell welcome to come and try Messy Church out. The activities are followed by tea and it is all free, although we welcome a donation to help cover the costs. This is a joint churches in St Newlyn East enterprise.

29th February-Wednesdays- Lent Group begins 7.00pm in St. Newlyn East Methodist Chapel

We hope to have regular lunches available on Fridays in Lent, just as we have done in the past, but have not yet finalised the helpers to cover every week so please watch out in the village for posters to advertise these. The first one will be on Friday, 24 February and we will have a Foodbank box available then as well. This is also a joint churches in St Newlyn East enterprise.

24th At St. Enoder Church –Confirmation Service by the Bishop of Truro Rt. Reverend Tim Thornton.

Following the Christmas tree festival and collections at special services over the Christmas period we have been able to send a donation of over £300 to the Precious Lives Appeal.

Thanks to everyone in our wonderful community, the Foodbank box in December was very well supported. We know that many people would like to continue to give on an occasional basis as there is still a pressing need to support the poorest people in our area so we will continue to have a box available for donations in the church on Sundays or you can give a donation to any member of our church community. We hope that we will also be able to have a box at any of our special events in future.

On 28 April, when we celebrate the feast of St Newlina in the village with lots of great activities, we would like to have a wedding dress display in the church. This depends on having some gowns to borrow! If you would be willing to put your dress on display in the church for that weekend, please contact Linda Angove (510778) and we will see if there is enough support to make this venture possible.

Several people have asked for the tower to be lit too commemorate something special in their lives. If you would like to do this, there are envelopes for your donation in the church on the top of the bookcase near the pillar at the back. Just fill in the details, add £10 and put the money in the donations box and we will do the rest for you. A sign in the church porch tells everyone what the special occasion is and you will know that the tower is lit just for you.

AND DON’T FORGET…We always have secondhand books in the church (at the back). The donation is only 20p and the stock is always changing so please look in to get a new collection to read and perhaps donate any books you have read and don’t want to keep.

For your Diary
Annual Parochial Church Meeting Wednesday 25th April 7.00pm in the Oxnam Room

For all queries please contact the Church Warden David Scott 01637 830347
In case you do not know St. Newlyna has its own ‘blog’ Access the latest news and photo archive
Services and Events can also be found at 'A Church Near You' website.

For your Prayers
Please keep in your prayers all in our community who are in any kind of need and particularly the friends and families of those who have died and whose anniversaries during FEBRUARY

2nd Nellie Taylor, Henry Morgan
6th Amy Marcetta Tregunna
7th Desmond Chambersa, Gerald Moffatt, Gladys Hollingworth
8th Stanley Weston, Nel EvanS, Iris Woods
11th Jane Ann Strongman
12th Stanley Jennings, Bertram May, Myra Broughton
13th Ivy May Rose Trevenna
14th Priscilla Hosking, Catherine Adams, Amy Roberts
15th William Robert Payne
16th John Wills, Marjorie Crowle
17th Charles Leslie Bennetto, George Thomas
23rd Arthur Long Rice
24th Henry Rosewarne, Barbara Enid Roberts
25th Thomas Lawson, Ann Laybourne
27th Claudia Mcgrath, Frederick James Tippett
28th Peggy Meer, Harry Meer, Henry Meer29th Bill Goodman

Saturday 7 January 2012

January Notice Sheet



1st -8.30am –Said Holy Communion-Revd. Hilary
1st -10.00am –Service of the Word –Reader - Mrs. Wendy Barritt

8th - 10.00am – Parish Eucharist –Revd. Hilary

20th -10.00am Service of the Word lead by the Worship Leaders

We are joining our Methodist friends for their Annual Covenant Service

22nd -10.00am –Parish Eucharist –Revd. Hilary

29th –Parish Eucharist Visiting Priest

For your Diary

5th February -8.30am –Said Holy Communion –Revd. Hilary
5th February -10.00am –Service of the Word - Mrs. Wendy Barritt

We are looking forward to celebrating the confirmation of candidates within the churches of St. Enoder and St. Newlyn East 24th February 2012 at St. Enoder. If you would like to explore what Confirmation or Adult Baptism means for you please have a word with Revd. Hilary.

A big thank you to all those who sponsored the beautiful Christmas Trees and to every one who helped to make St. Newlyna so welcoming and attractive for our many visitors. -Hilary

Midweek Services, Meetings and Events

3rd /10th /17th /24th /31st Tuesday 9.30pm Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel - Revd. Hilary

Coffee Mornings resume Tuesday 10th January in the Oxnam Room

Wednesday 18th January–meeting of PCC 7.30pm in Oxnam Room

For your diary
9th February Deanery Synod at St. Michaels Newquay

11th Quizz in the Pub –See Posters for further details

18th Wedding –Verity Burch and Rob Simmonds

For your Prayers
Please keep in your prayers all in our community who are in any kind of need and particularly the friends and families of those who have died and whose anniversaries during JANUARY

1st Ursula Trethewey, Reginald Hollingworth
2nd Muriel Burton, Phylis Moses, Richard Potten
4th Laura Humpage
5th Gordon Young
6th Sheela Best, Ernest Tregunna, Iris Turner, Mary Ann Cook
7th Joy Channon, William Menheniott, Clifford Trethewey
8th George Wraith, francis Carhart, Roger Henwood
9th Nancy Thackeray
10th George Collins, Leslie Hicks
11th Annie Grace Maffatt
12th Kate Peggy Denny, Mary Jane Morcomb
13th Charles Humpage, Peter Biddick, Rodney Taylor
14th Winifred Glanville, John Morgan
15th Geoffrey Goddard
18th Edith Pascoe, Joseph Carhart, Min Hanley
19th Thelma May Lawer, Christpher Lawer, Millicent George
20th Thomas Brimacombe, Bernard Rooney, Angela Henwood
21st Edward Dix
22nd Edward Miles, Gertrude Winter
23rd William Jewell
25th Dorthea Rickard
26th Adrian Banfield
27th George Claud Sara
28th Percival Martin, May Morcam
31st Ellen Johnson